Special Preparations

Though Homoeopathy believes in administration of single medicine in minimum dose for treatment of diseases, but still sometime it may require administration of some nutritious material, beneficial for general health along with a few ingredients which will help faster assimilation in the form of a combination, to a person to meet nutritional deficiencies. HAPCO Alfalfa Tonic is one such product, created by popular demand, which is regarded as a very good general reconstructive tonic which helps to restore failing health, slow convalescence following long illness, nutritional deficiency arising out of defective assimilation, loss of appetite etc.

HAPCO also offers their very special Arnica Hair Oil marketed as a cosmetic since it contains a soothing perfume. Arnica Hair Oil contains Arnica a botanical drug well known for its beneficial action on hair follicles along with cantharidin, neem extract and other drugs of reputed and proven regenerative action on hair. The oil not only restores good health of hair but also promotes regeneration of hair, prevents premature greyishing as also helps in controlling dandruff.

Special Preparations

  • Alfalfa Tonic (Hapco Quality) 125 ml phial
  • Arnica Hair Oil (Hapco Quality) 100 ml phial

Ointments In 15g Collapsible Tube










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